Last Thursdayism

Last Thursdayism (sometimes Last Tuesdayism or Last Wednesdayism) is a version of omphalism, and of Bertrand Russell's Five minute hypothesis. It is the idea that the world was created last Thursday, but with the appearance of age: people's memories, history books, fossils, light already on the way from distant stars, and so forth.

Recent manifestation

A recent manifestation of Last Thursdayism appeared on the USENET group in 1991, as a hyperbolic response to omphalism. It gradually gained popularity, and on August 25, 1996 the FAQ for the Church (its Catechism) was posted to by Micheal Keane. It is similar to Unicornism or Pastafarianism, and claims that the universe was created Last Thursday by "Queen Maeve the Housecat", who on Next Thursday (Judgement Day) will admit those who were nice to cats to Paradise and damn the unkind, the uncaring, and Creationists to the never-cleaned Eternal Litterbox. Since then the website for Last Thursdayism has become defunct.

Other possible days of creation

It should be noted that in some circles, especially, Last Tuesdayism is taken as a schism of Last Thursdayism and is founded on the belief that the world was created last Tuesday but that unlike last Thursdayism, this happens every Tuesday.
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