Lagerwey Wind

Lagerwey Wind BV is a Dutch company. It is located in Barneveld and is focussed on the design of modern direct drive wind turbines.
In 2009 the first L82-2MW was put into operation in Germany, followed by India.
In 2012 2 units of the L93-2.6MW were put in operation in Lelystad (the Netherlands). More units are planned. Such as in
The models that can be delivered now are:
Co-founder Henk Lagerweij is considered a patriarch of the Dutch wind energy sector (first turbine 1973). Some of these 2 bladed turbines are still operational, such as [,4.684548&spn0.002023,0.004469&th&z18 here, 50 km north of Amsterdam]
* Henk Lagerweij
* Aart van de Pol
* Albert Waaijenberg
* André Pubanz
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