Kurt Mausert

Kurt Mausert (born 1957) is an American lawyer. He maintains his law office in downtown Saratoga Springs.
Mausert began his career as a prosecutor for the City Prosecutor's office in Concord, NH in 1987. In the mid-1990s, he also served as a Special Prosecutor in Warren County, NY. He is a former Town Court Judge having served via appointment by the Board of the Town of Saratoga.
As a practitioner of Vedic philosophy, Mausert served as president for Care for Vrindavan for more than twelve years. This charity supports in part Food for Life Vrindavan four schools and some social development programs for women, clean water projects, and vegetarian food distribution, reforestation efforts and medical services.
Mausert was born in Watertown, New York, in 1957 to John Mausert and Loretta Mausert.
In 1991 Mausert successfully moved for the Queensbury, New York, Town Court Judge (Hon. Michael Muller), to have county prosecutor William Montgomery remove a flag pin he was wearing in court, arguing that the wearing of the flag may prejudice the jury. New York State Supreme Court Justice John Dier overruled the decision of Judge Muller. (Justice Dier was later admonished by the State's Commission on Judicial Conduct for unethical conduct in his handling of the case.) That ruling, however, was in turn overturned unanimously by the New York State Appellate Division, 3rd Dept., (later affirmed by the highest court, the Court of Appeals), thus validating the position of Mausert in regard of wearing the flag pin by prosecution.
Involvement in ISKCON
Mausert was introduced to the Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavata Purana at the age of 13 by his eldest brother, Aksobhya dasa. At the age of 20 he became a monk and joined the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in New York City.
After the death of his brother Aksobhya dasa in February 1979, he learned his system of indexing books and went to work for the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust charity in Los Angeles.
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