Kun faya kuun

Just yesterday the night, I could see the Kun Fayakuun film in one of VCD, a film had the theme Islam religion that was chock-full the meaning. The film that indeed I was waiting for his VCD version, told about the life of a household that his life really really-very simple. Alkisah, Ardan was a circle glazier. His life was very simple, but he stayed determined struggled, patient, resolute and always sincere whatever the ordeal was given to him. His conviction stayed round to bring about the dream of making his family leave the crush of poverty. It was lucky that Ardan had the wife that saleha, loyal, obeyed the husband and Tuhannya. He also had not escaped pray for and waited loyally the Ardan arrival a return from selling circle glasses. Said he said then very wise opposite the couple's two sweethearts. Even so in a second manner his male child. There was some big wisdom that was reaped by me after seeing this film: Firstly, I really felt the feeling thank heavens that was extraordinary at this time because of being given by fortune that was enough by Allah. Saw Ardan family life, really really trenyuh. Only to buy rice, all the families must be waiting for returning Sir that traded in glasses. That too results not certainly. Could the behaviour 1 glasses frame has been moderate the profit according to him, in fact the price in general only 25-40ribu. Certainly the story of this kind was not feigned and often happened in our residence environment. Uptil now possibly we did not too much pay attention to matters like this (including me) because possibly our activity personally. Secondly, there is a verse of words that was sent by Ardan to his children during Sir came home did not bring results anything. The child told Sir him in order to change professions to the employee as his friend's father who could receive the big pay so as to be able to live had enough. What answered Sir? "NOT!" The father will not change professions. For Sir, Tangan Di Atas (became the trader) that was nobler than the Di Bawah hands, Sir has undergone the selling profession these glasses for 14 years! Once in time 14 years our family was tormented by Allah just because of Sir sold glasses? Only for the last 1 year our family of few lacks because of the father's savings was finished for your school cost. And Sir will be convinced, in a moment Sir could jaya came back with the father's experience uptil now. This was an extraordinary hope of a businessman so as still could the focus in his field. And quite true, with this Ardan conviction, finally he could become the big businessman in his field. Thirdly, sedekah indeed will never make someone become poor. The film that his scenario was written by Ust Yusuf Mansyur (that was famous because of knowledge sedekah him) this also narrated, how Ardan that at that point only had money 50 thousand rupiah, was donated by all of them in the mosque good deed. Was not supposed, several days had an investor who wanted to give capital 50 million to Ardan to open the big kiosk of the glasses shop. Kun Fayakuun, and the miracle then happened. The family's Ardan fate changed course 180 levels, but continue to with kesederhaan. Currently the Ardan Family could open the Foundation of the Orphan who was big in his city (ah, reminded to me the target less than 4 years to open the foundation of the orphan). Related sedekah that could change fate someone this not only was fictitious that happened in the Kun Fayakuun film. Several last year, I had followed taudziyah Ust Yusuf Mansyur at the invitation of the BRI Bank in Malang. Repeatedly Ustad Yusuf Mansyur reminded Allah's Promise: anyone gave alms, definitely would digantiNya with the repayment his 10 fold times. Many miraculous stories real that was sent by him. How could the pedicab driver who liked to give alms have finally gone on a pilgrimage to Mecca because of being helped by a big businessman who wanted to give alms also. Afterwards was still the driver's story that mensedekahkan money 20 thousand that at once was changed the same day totalling 200 thousand! Really related that menginspirasi.
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