Kronos Advisory

Kronos Advisory, LLC is a U.S.-based company that, according to Dun & Bradstreet, conducts business in the areas of national security and international affairs. According to the firm’s website, Kronos is a strategic advisory firm established in 2011 by Medal of Honor recipient James E. Livingston and Congressional counter-terrorism advisor Michael S. Smith II.” A section of the Congressional Record featuring information about Kronos states the firm was founded to “provide global stakeholders the situational awareness solutions they need to address strategic and tactical threats to their interests.”
Former CIA senior analyst Cynthia Storer, whose work as a member of "The Sisterhood" of CIA analysts who tracked Al-Qaeda is covered in the Emmy Award-winning documentary Manhunt: The Search for Bin Laden, is the company's "Lead al-Qa'ida Analyst." Former Dutch military intelligence officer Ronald Sandee is the company's "Chief Global Jihad Analyst."
Counter-Terrorism Advising
According to reports produced by Agence France-Presse, The Jerusalem Post, and Al Arabiya, at the request of a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, in 2011 Kronos founder Michael S. Smith II produced a report on Iran’s ties to Al-Qaeda that was distributed to members of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus. Titled “The al-Qa’ida-Qods Force Nexus: Scratching the Surface of a Known Unknown,” a redacted version of Smith’s report is available online via the blog site owned by American military geostrategist and author Thomas P.M. Barnett. The report’s Issue Summary section explains: “This report focuses on the history of Iran’s relationship with al-Qa’ida, and briefly addresses potential implications of these ties. Additionally, its author provides a list of recommended action items for Members of the United States Congress, as well as a list of questions that may help Members develop a better understanding of this issue through interactions with defense and intelligence officials.” On September 23, 2011, while issuing remarks on the House Floor about both the president of Iran’s September 2011 visit to New York to address the United Nations and Iran’s support of Islamist terrorism referenced "The al-Qa’ida-Qods Force Nexus" report. The text of both Congressman Duncan’s remarks and the summary section of Smith’s report are included in a section of the Congressional Record titled “The Al Qaeda-Qods Force Nexus.”
Concerning a meeting Kronos co-founder Michael S. Smith II and former DIA Director held at the State Department in December 2014 with Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL , Eli Lake reported that Smith explained, “We held a meeting with General Allen to discuss the strategy for countering the Islamic State and the ways it could be supported by outside advisers.”
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