Krestianstvo SDK

Krestianstvo SDK was born in 2006 as a concept of virtual learning environment for mathematics; also as collaborative, highly portable, end-user/programmer framework for building-then-exploring rich multimedia discs on art; also as tool for creating real-time art installations and augmented reality.
Krestianstvo SDK is built on top of OpenCroquet SDK with preloaded packages (some of the list: Sophie XUL-CSS, Seaside, OMeta, and Krestianstvo itself). It is mainly developed in Russian language using unicode characters just in comiled methods and class definitions.
The SDK is updated through the change set's update stream and source code could be easily filed in/filed out containing unicode chars as well.
As Krestianstvo is based on Open Croquet it includes the whole features of it, but for describing UIs in Krestiasntvo, Sophie's XUL logic (CSS/XML/SmallTalk) is used. The same XUL logic is used for describing the contents of the Krestiasntvo 3D spaces. OMeta could be used here for describing user own languages on describing spaces and for parsing active formulas (user scripts) in XML tags. The possibility of interaction with collaborative space not just from peer computer with running Krestiasntvo image, but also from web browser from anywhere. So the Seaside and Comet were connected Support of the existing physical interfaces (available in Squeak/Etoys) to interact with Krestiasntvo space using OSC and Midi protocol (TUIO, Wii for now). Support of Live Coding on Croquet islands (to change the object functionality in source code on all connected participants at the same time.
SDK could be used for programming a collaborative 3D space with support of interaction with it from different physical interfaces and web mobile devices, not just keyboard and mouse. To describe the content of the collaborative space just in XML text file or create he's own description language using OMeta.
In Russia, SDK could be used for creating real world applications on native spoken language, which could rapidly increase the audience of people involved in Computer Technology science and Art from child to older.
Krestianstvo SDK contains also three modules: Smotrini, Igrishe, Obryad.
The main aim of Smotrini is to allow multi-user interactions with shared content on the shared Croquet island just from web browser in real time (from any place, device like smart-phone, low-end machine (sometimes without OpenGL) etc. so, that a connection to the network and http web based browser just needed.
Seaside 3.0 is used.
The main aim of Igrishe is to allow the artists to build/run realtime performances/VJ sessions in Theatre, Art gallery and Learning labs.
So the artist gets the full featured connected virtual/real space to manipulate with.
For example: it is easy to model the real world scene lightning ( transitions and effects with color, moving the computer generated light source in the space of real walls); geometry transformations (dividing, adding new virtual walls); projecting video/3d animations/images synchronously; and so on. (everything is in OpenGL).
Obryad or Collaborative Curved Space Explorer (CCSE) - is viewed to be in future the full-featured multi-user toolbox for exploring the structure of curved spaces in 3D (based on Croquet) with real-time rendering in curved spaces.
Jeff Weeks originally developed (and continue developing now) the application Curved Spaces for exploring and rendering curved spaces in real-time using C language. CCSE is actually the port of it main part into Smalltalk and Croquet. Thus it allows to run complex time-based simulations and achieve a very deep level of collaborative interactions.
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