Kirk Lombard

Record Monkeyface Eel
Kirk Lombard is the current record-holder of the largest monkeyface prickleback eel ever caught on hook and line. The eel was caught on February 7, 2006 on the waters off Moss Beach, California and submitted to the California Academy of Sciences on the same day. The California Department of Fish and Game officially recorded the eel as weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce.
Lombard is employed as a Fisheries Technician at the California Department of Fish and Game and is a contributor to the Department's newsletter, .
Rube Waddell
Lombard is also a founding member (under the stage name "Captain Legit") of Rube Waddell, a musical ensemble widely known for their raucous street performances on the streets of San Francisco's Mission District. The band is named after , an American left-handed pitcher in Major League Baseball. Rube was well-known for his antics on the baseball field, including running off to chase fire engines in the middle of baseball games, and the band's street performances often include the members stopping mid-set to chase after passing fire engines as well.
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