Kings of Quendor

This is a list of the Kings of Quendor from the fictional universe of Zork.

This list is the version considered canon by most fans, the version supported by Encyclopedia Frobozzica and the majority of Zork games and literature. However, some of the History of Quendor developed in the series is intended to be farsical. For example, Zork I mentions Ramses II, a historical pharaoh of Egypt as a one-time king of Quendor, yet there is no place for him on the timeline.

Dates are given in AE (After Entharion) and GUE (Great Underground Empire).
:See also: Zork timeline, characters in Zork, creatures in Zork.

Entharion Dynasty
* Entharion the Wise (1-41 AE)
* Mysterion the Brave (41-55 AE)
* Zylon the Aged (55-398 AE)
* Zilbo I (398-423 AE)
* Bozbo I (423-429 AE)
* Zilbo II (429-451 AE)
* Harmonius Fzort (451-477 AE)
* Bozbo II (477-481 AE)
* Thaddium Fzort (481-545 AE)
* Mumbo I (545-569 AE)
* Bozbo III (569-575 AE)
* Bozbo IV (575-619 AE)
* Mumbo II (619-628 AE)
* Zilbo III (628- 659 AE)

Flathead Dynasty
* Duncanthrax the Bellicose (659-688 AE)
* Belwit the Flat (688-701 AE)
* Frobwit the Flatter (701-727 AE)
* Timberthrax Flathead (727-738 AE)
* Phloid Flathead (738-755 AE)
* Mumberthrax Flathead (755-770 AE)
* Dimwit Flathead (770-789 GUE)
:See also: The Twelve Flatheads
* Loowit Flathead (789-813 GUE)
* Duncwit Flathead (813-843 GUE)
* Barbawit Flathead (843-845 GUE)
* Idwit Oogle Flathead (845-881 GUE)
* Wurb Flathead (881-883 GUE)

Kings of Zork
* Syovar the Strong (883-972 GUE)
* Syovar II (972-997 GUE)
* Syovar III (997-1048 GUE)

Theocracy of Quendor
* Mir Yannick (1048-1067 GUE)

Restored Great Underground Empire
* Lucy Flathead (1067- GUE)

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