
"Killeroo" is an episode of the British comedy television series, The Mighty Boosh, that was first broadcast on 18 May 2004. It is the first episode of the series made by Baby Cow Productions for BBC Three.

Bob Fossil sets up a highly illegal and shady kangaroo boxing match between the Killeroo and Howard. Howard thinks that by winning the fight he will impress the Head of Reptiles, . Vince enlists his uncle, a bare-knuckle fighter with a very strange accent, to help with Howard's training.

*Vince Noir — Noel Fielding
*Howard Moon — Julian Barratt
*Bob Fossil/Boxing Trainer — Rich Fulcher
*Naboo — Michael Fielding
* — Victoria Wicks
*Jimmy the Reach — Olly Ralfe
*Joey Moose — Dave Brown

Cultural References
*When Bob Fossil calls Howard to his office, the song he dances to is 10cc's Dreadlock Holiday.

*An unaired, complete half-hour pilot of The Mighty Boosh was made before this first official episode. It included a live audience, which was one of the things not later continued to be used when once the series was green-lighted and aired.

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