Kentucky Fried Cruelty

Kentucky Fried Cruelty is a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) campaign targeting KFC (also known as "Kentucky Fried Chicken") that began in 2001. It seeks to change the treatment of the chickens that are raised by KFC's suppliers for its restaurants. According to PETA, since the launch of the campaign in 2003, more than 12,000 protests against KFC have occurred. KFC is the fourth fast food restaurant chain targeted by PETA, following campaigns against McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's.
"" was the temporary legal name of Christopher Garnett, a youth outreach worker for PETA, after he changed his name to protest the treatment of chickens by KFC's suppliers. At the time of his name change, Garnett was the street team coordinator of peta2, PETA's youth division.
The PETA website showed a copy of's drivers license bearing what was his legal name. PETA member Pamela Anderson expressed her support for the name change, as did his parents, although they continued to call him "Chris". Garnett explained in a January 2006 interview with Tucker Carlson:

Pretty much everyone still calls me Chris, some of the people at the office call me Ken or Tuck. But the funny thing about the name change is, regardless of what people call me, every time I go to pay for something, I show someone my ID, I'm able to tell them about how KFC is, you know, cutting the beaks off baby birds and how their workers are slamming chickens in a wall, kicking them like footballs and laughing about it. And people are pretty shocked to hear about this sort of thing.
Garnett promised his mother he would revert the name change after KFC's suppliers ceased their "worst abuses" against their chickens;
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