Kathy Riordin

Kathy Riordan is the longest serving commissioner in the history of the Los Angeles Animal Services Commission.
Riordan graduated from UC Davis with a bachelor's degree in zoology.
Kathy won a seat on the Los Angeles Animal Services Commission in 1999 after serving as the vice president of a San Fernando Valley rescue group called New Leash on Life. She also volunteered at the Los Angeles Zoo and the Wildlife WayStation animal sanctuary. She served as assistant executive director of the Humanitas Awards, which recognizes films portraying "humanizing achievement."
The popular commissioner served 14 years on the commission and her public and controversial dismissal by Mayor Villaraigosa's staff in March 2013 was called "irrational and suspicious." Kathy's father is former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan.
Community Involvement
Kathy sits on the board of the Riordan Foundation and is very active in local charities.
Kathy appeared in the documentary Your Mommy Kills Animals
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