Katherine (Kacey) McBroom is an American trial attorney known for her work in criminal cases. She is recognized for her role in the legal case of Pedro Martinez, a former school janitor in San Bernardino County, California, who was wrongly accused of multiple accounts of child molestation and detained for five years prior to being acquitted on all counts in the trial where he was represented by Katherine McBroom and Ian Wallach. McBroom is counsel to Martinez in the civil trial against the County of San Bernardino, and officers who prosecuted the criminal trial alleging fabrication of evidence and other misconduct. Early life and education McBroom earned a Bachelor of Arts in History from Brown University and a Juris Doctor from the University of Southern California. During her time at law school, she clerked for criminal defense attorney Gigi Gordon at the Post Conviction Assistance Center in Los Angeles. She is a member of the California Public Defenders Association and the Los Angeles County Bar Association. Career McBroom and Ian Wallach represented Pedro Martinez, a school janitor in San Bernardino County who was accused of child molesting several 6-year-old boys and one six-year-old girl at Maple Elementary School. Martinez was arrested in January 2019 by deputies. Martinez was charged with 10 counts of child sex abuse and one count of lewd conduct. After spending five years incarcerated while awaiting trial, Martinez’s case went to trial in August 2023 at the Superior Court of California in the San Bernardino County Joshua Tree Courthouse. Following the acquittal, McBroom filed a civil lawsuit on Martinez's behalf against the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. McBroom’s work on the case has attracted media attention, with coverage from outlets such as The Los Angeles Times