Kashmiri descent from lost tribes of Israel

It has been claimed by some sources that the Kashmiri people are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. Rabbi Marvin Tokayer claims that the Kashmiri people are originally of Jewish descent, a claim that he backs up, by making similarities between various Kashmiri places and Kashmiri tribes, which bear resemblance to Hebrew words and places. He also goes on to claim how the Israelite tribes would have arrived along the Silk Road.
Hebrew phrases
Hebrew phrases in Kashmiri include:
"Mamre is Mamre, Pishgah is Pisgah, Nabudaal is Mt. Nevo, Bushan is Bashan, Gilgit is Gilgal, Heshba is Heshbon, Amunah is Amon, Gochan is Goshen, Median-pura is Midian, and Guzana is Gozan which is a place name in Assyria and the very place where the Ten Tribes of Israel were deported."
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