Kartik Paul

Kartik Paul (born 1 January 1948) is an Indian politician, belonging to the . He is West Bengal state Secretary of the CPIML Liberation from 2003 to 2012. He is also a senior leader and the politburo member of CPIML Liberation.
Early life
Kartik in his student life joined , At the time of Naxalbari uprising he left CPIM party, and join .
CPIML Liberation formation
After Majumdar's death the CPIML central committee split into pro- and anti-Majumdar factions. In December 1972 the Central Committee of the pro-Charu Majumdar CPIML led by Sharma and CPIML led by Mahadev Mukherjee.
The pro Charu Majumdar CPIML soon faced a split on the question of Lin Biao and the tenth congress of the Communist Party of China the faction led by Jauhar, Vinod Mishra and Swadesh Bhattacharya along with Kartik Paul parted way from the party by opposing the line of the Central Committee and founded the in 1973 which became the pro Charu Majumdar and anti Lin Biao faction.
Political career
After the formation of Kartik Paul is promoted as a politburo member. He is one of the senior and respected leader of .
Kartik is west Bengal secretary of CPIML Liberation from 2003 to 2012. after Kartik Paul, Partha Ghosh is promoted as West Bengal state secretary.
AIKSCC Movement
After the formation of AIKSCC Kartik Paul is a central committee member of AIKSCC and he is present West Bengal state secretary of AIKSCC. He organised a various type of movement in support of rejection of 3 farm act.
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