Kane sute

Kani Sute is one of
20 throws in the Nage No Te list.
In Kodokan Judo, Kane Sute is known as
Kani Basami. Kani Basami is categorized as a side sacrifice,
Yoko-sutemi. It is one of the techniques adopted later by the Kodokan
into their
Shinmeisho No Waza
(newly accepted techniques) list.
Kani Basami is one of the four forbidden techniques, Kinshi-waza.
Kani Basami is prohibited both by International Judo Federation rules, and also by International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation rules.
In The Canon Of Judo, the technique is named Hasami-Gaeshi.
Technique Description
Exemplar Videos:
from http://www.stanford.edu/group/ajj/Curriculum/Nage.html
from http://www.loisirs-st-elzear.com/liste_activite/judo_jeune.php
Technique History
Included Systems
*Kodokan Judo, List of Kodokan Judo techniques
*Danzan Ryu, Lists Of Danzan Ryu
*The Canon Of Judo
*Judo technique
Similar Techniques, Variants, and Aliases
*Scissors takedown
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