Kamilla Hermann

Kamilla Hermann (born June 27, 1974) is an economist, partner and minority owner of the Indotek Group, as well as one of best-known female private donors. In 2021, she was the 44th richest Hungarian on the Forbes Hungary list. In 2022, she debuted as the 17th most influential woman in Hungary in Forbes Hungary's Business category.
During her high school studies, between 1989-1990, she spent 1 year in Austria to study languages.
She completed her higher education at the Faculty of Commerce and Entrepreneurship of Szent István University and graduated in 1999 with a degree in business management and economics.
After graduation she developed her skills through several training courses, including graphology and executive coaching.
She speaks English and German.
Professional activity
Between 1997 and 2008, she provided personnel consultancy and headhunting services in her own company and has been involved in the operational management of Indotek Group since its foundation. Her initial role was to coordinate recruitment activities.
She supports Indotek's internal processes and is responsible for aligning the objectives of the organization and its employees. She is also responsible for the asset management and sales of bank package-based residential projects. She is managing the branding, style and use of materials for the shopping centers in Indotek's portfolio, as well as coordinating the renovation of office buildings and the development of their image.
She also coordinates Indotek's marketing and manages the company's corporate social responsibility activities. Kamilla Hermann is also responsible for the processes supporting the company's sustainability (ESG) efforts.
Corporate social responsibility activities
Since the beginning of her career, Kamilla Hermann has been committed to social responsibility and started her donation activities more than 20 years ago. She is one of Hungary's largest female private donors, focusing her support on children and families in difficult circumstances, and she is also passionate about the education of future generations.
Indotek has developed its CSR strategy with a focus on supporting future generations and strengthening families. In line with these principles, Indotek Group works with organizations such as UNICEF Hungary, SOS Children's Villages and the Milestone Institute, and the company supports the work of Bátor Tábor and Rajk Kollégium as well.
In 2021, she was a member of the jury of the Social Impact Award, a community building and business development programme, and a key supporter of UNICEF, and in 2021 she was named one of UNICEF Hungary's Champions. a tagja, valamint kiemelt támogatója az UNICEF-nek, 2021-ben bekerült az UNICEF Magyarország Bajnokai közé.
Personal life
She is the mother of four children.
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