
Kalutasan.com is a reference site that provides the user with a platform where they can ask questions and also answer questions asked by others. To encourage users to participate more, users are paid for every answer that they give and for every answer to their question. Asking a question is charged 1 cent. Payment for every answer to one's own question encourages the users to ask a question.
Kalutasan.com was officially launched on July 1, 2009, but was redesigned and updated on July 18, 2009 in its present form. It is owned and managed by Amit Kumar. He is currently pursuing Avionics in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), India

Site Operation and Earnings
At the time of creating an account, the user has to submit his email ID, PayPal ID and choose a user name and password. Initially when the user opens up an account, he gets $5. The user can search for questions, and answer the questions that interest him. For answering each question, the user gets paid upto $0.03 depending upon the post quality and length. The user can also ask a question which costs $0.01. Any answer to users' question earns him $0.01.

As soon as the user hits $15, he can request a payout, and the money would be transferred electronically to the users PayPal ID.
The questions are categorized helping the user to choose his interests and also to facilitate easy searching.
Kalutasan.com features advanced search options based on tags through which a user can easily find questions, answers by any other user or in general any other question.
Recent updates are visible on the users homepage and latest questions and answers are highlighted for easy viewing.
Email subscription offers the user to get email updates on their questions or the questions they have answered. The settings can be altered anytime which is visible on the homepage.
A referal system acts as another source of income to the users. User can invite their friends and earn 10% of their earnings when the refered user requests a payout. Invitation system sends a mail to the Gmail contacts of the user with a referal link to the users' account.
Kalutasan is also on Twitter and has 115 followers so far.
Coming Up
It is planned that the site will expand it's area, by bringing in a social networking element through it's profile pages, where users will be able to create, share playlists, send private messages, post public messages (like wall posts on Facebook or scraps on Orkut).
The site will also incorporate a number of features soon that will benefit and interest the user like Online Polls, Happy Hours, Featured Questions, Rating System and Profile Pages.
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