Kadri Alia

Kadri Alia (born 15 October 1943 in Durrës, Albania) is the leader of the Albania National of Orphans Association, a position he has held for 24 years.
Personal achievements
2015- awarded as Honor President of the Albania National Orphans Association
2011- awarded with certificate of gratitude " 20 years, whith excellent job and unremitting,to advance the mission of the association
2006- Under his leadership , Albania National of Orphans Association ,has been awarded by the President of the Republic of Albania with the "Medal of Gratitude" with the act number 5077, dated 12 November 2006.
Under his leadership,Albania National of Orphans Associationhas been honored by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and • ual Opportunities with the First Prize, in the occasion of May 20, the Orphan’s Day.
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