
JUnit-Tools is a set of tools for IDE Eclipse. It is complete open source (licensed under the Apache license Version 2.0) and developed by a non-profit team (junit-tools-team) and open-source-developers. The base of the JUnit-Tools is a bachelor thesis of 2012 from Robert Streng. Since then it has been further developed by a non-profit team and was renamed to JUnit-tools in December 2015. Now the tools are available via the Eclipse Marketplace, an update site or directly from the official website of JUnit-Tools.
One of the main targets of JUnit-Tools is to improve the quality of software by automating the processes for unit-testing. The main function is to generate JUnit testclasses and -cases.
One of the interesting technical concepts is the new markup language TML (Test Markup Language) to describe a complete test. The TML is used by the JUnit-Tools to set all the necessary data for the JUnit testclass-generators. So the processing between collecting the necessary data for the generation and the generation itself is decoupled. This is one of the reasons why it is easy to change or replace the existing default generators with customized generators.
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