Joseph Paquet

Joseph Paquet alias Tijoe (born 17 December 1971) is a professional welterweight boxer from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has a professional fight record of 2 wins and 3 losses.
Amateur career
Paquet has a career amateur boxing record of 63 wins 8 losses 49 wins by knockout. In 1995 Paquet faced the then amateur welterweight champion Troy Davis. Paquet and Davis fight had to be decided by the judges in the 9-round; Davis won the match by split decision. Paquet was devastated and took a two-year absence from boxing.
The come-back
*In 1997 Tijoe and his older brother Andre Paquet alias King of Sting entered the Tough Man competition; Tijoe placed third and Andre was placed second. This was a great accomplishnent for the Paquet brothers.
Tijoe has 7 children: 5 daughters and 2 sons, He sings, dances, raps, and is a member of the rap team ChamPane Gang. He is a cousin of rapper Luu Breeze, boxer kirk Johnson, and rising star NHL Wayne Simmons. Tijoe's brother Andre Paquet is a boxer
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