Jonathan Beever

Jonathan Beever is an American philosopher and Assistant Professor of Ethics and Digital Culture at the University of Central Florida.
He is known for his expertise on digital ethics, environmental bioethics and animal ethics. His research has been supported by the Kaufmann Foundation, the Aldo Leopold Foundation and the Global Sustainable Soundscape Network. Beever co-founded the Purdue Lectures in Ethics, Policy, and Science.
Edited books
*Understanding Digital Ethics: Cases and Contexts, Jonathan Beever, Rudy McDaniel, Nancy Stanlick, Taylor and Francis, 2018
*The Way of Nature or the Way of Grace: Philosophical Themes in Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life, Jonathan Beever and Vernon W. Cisney (Eds.), Northwestern University Press, 2016
*Perspectives in Bioethics, Science, and Public Policy, Jonathan Beever and Nicolae Morar (Eds.), Purdue University Press, 2013
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