Simple Cellulose

Simple Cellulose (SC) is a plant-based, multi-functional food ingredient that performs as an emulsifier (stabilizing water/oil systems to maintain food structure), texturizer (improving product consistency to produce a uniform texture), and humectant (water binder that increases moisture-retention) in food products. SC is also vegan, allergen-free, and derived from a water-based process that eliminates the traditional chemicals used to convert biomass into industrial and food applications.
SC is most commonly used as a texturizer in specialty foods such as gluten-free breads, muffins, cakes, donuts, sauces, condiments, and baked goods. The process uses superheated water to induce cellulose-dense hydrocolloid that exhibits gelation characteristics at small quantities.
Currently 1 in 3 US children and over 15 million total Americans suffer from food allergies, and the market for plant-based and allergy free alternatives in foodstuffs is rapidly rising. According to Grand View Research, the market for dairy-free market alone is expected to reach $35 billion by 2024.
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