Johnny Ward

Johnny Ward (born 1983) is an Irish traveler, blogger, lifestyle designer, digital nomad and entrepreneur who has traveled throughout more than 100 countries around the globe.
Ward started his schooling at Kilkeel High School, Kilkeel, Northern Ireland.He went to university in England (United Kingdom) where he obtained a BSc in International Economics, Loughborough University. Beside this he also qualified for English Teaching from CELTA, Cambridge University (studied in Chiang Mai Campus, Thailand)
Ward began traveling immediately after graduating from university. He's a vocal advocate of lifestyle design and location independence. He maintains his lifestyle by working around 10 hours per week from his laptop, managing his staff, while running a large portfolio of websites. He began full-time blogging through his travel blog called , one of the top travel literature blogs in the world, where he extolls the virtues of living for the moment and pursuing one's dreams.
Johnny Ward is a founding member of the Professional Travel Bloggers Association.
Personal life
When he's not traveling, Johnny Ward is based in Bangkok, Thailand where he invests in property.
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