Joe Jonah Euclid

Joe Jonah Euclid is the name (possibly a pseudonym) of a well-known pamphleteer who lived around Menlo Park, California in the 1990s. Joe Jonah Euclid was well known for posting fliers around the campus of Stanford University. His fliers dealt with a variety of topics, but their central theme was his displeasure over the practice of psychic mindreading, which he believed was extremely harmful to children. Euclid believed he was being contacted by angels and the recently deceased and given instructions on how to combat mindreading.
It is likely that Euclid was afflicted with a form of schizophrenia. He was, nonetheless, something of a celebrity around Stanford.
Joe Jonah Euclid vanished from the Stanford area in the fall of 1998. After posting his musings for several years at Caltech, he now regularly visits UCLA. His postings often seem to be spurred by news of the deaths of celebrity figures. He also seems to have strong opinions on the injustices of court conservatorship of peoples' assets. The name he usually puts on his postings is "Timothy A. Gill".
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