Jnanadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies

Jnanadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies is a biannual interdisciplinary journal of religious studies from Indian Christian perspectives. It is closely associated with Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth: Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Pune 411 014, India. Insightful and interdisciplinary articles from various Indian and Christian perspectives have been published in this journal since 1998.
Founded by Prof Kurien Kunnumpuram, SJ, this journal has been serving the Indian Christian community with challenging academic articles which foster creative commitment between the Church and country.
Some Select Themes
*Our Commitment to a United India
*Beyond the Colonial Past: Journeying to the Future
*The Society of Our Dreams
*Contemporary Quest for Freedom and Liberation
*Formation of Religious Leaders
*Peace: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
*Models of Authority
*Science, Religion and Postmodernism
*Religion and Violence
*Reconciliation: Socio-Political Dimensions
*The Quest for a Meaningful Spirituality
*Befriending the Other
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