Jizoan Zen Centre

Jizoan Zen centre is a Rinzai Zen Buddhist temple located in suburban Hamilton Hill, Western Australia, south of Perth. Jizoan Zendo is the first full time Rinzai centre in Australia . The centre was established in 1998.
The Zen Centre offers formal Zen practice 7 days a week. Any race or cultural background is welcome.
Dharma talks are also given by the temple's Australian Roshi.
Temple practice
Based on the teachings of Hakuin, Zen practice at Jizoan follows Rinzai tradition of zazen meditation, open daily to public participation.
The temple offers daily Zen meditation sittings and talks, as well as other activities connected to Zen culture.
The Centre offers a long practice schedule on Sundays in addition to its schedule. This consists of Shakyo (copying sutras in Chinese calligraphy) and formal meals in the Rinzai fashion and Zazen meditation, and a period of Sado tea appreciation.
During other times of the month other cultural activities related to Zen such as flower arranging (Ikebana), and traditional Japanese martial arts (Koryu bujutsu) are also held using traditional style rooms at the Centre.
The temple is a not-for-profit organization.
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