JIYU Gaming

JIYU Gaming is an independent gaming development established in April 6th, 2015 and based in Australia. The team consists of young gamers ranging from the age of 11 to 20. The team currently only has 4 members.
Originally founded by Edgar Labadin, then 18 year old freshman, back in the year 2015. Edgar's first game developing software was RPG Maker XP. It was the staple program for young game developers. It was easy to use and had no known issues. The UI as well as the potential of the engine itself is what helped it last for so long even until today. The reason why a majority of game developers prefer using RPG Maker XP rather than the newly released RPG Maker programs is because it had the core simplicity that is absent from current gen RPG Makers. Edgar also taught two of his siblings, who eventually join the game development company; how to utilise the program through features such as mapping and event creation.
Upon graduation, Edgar proceeded to Australia for further education, where he then officially established the gaming development team.
JIYU Gaming's identity is making retro-styled fantasy-themed RPG's for the masses. Edgar stated that back then when he only had a Gameboy Advance, he would occasionally play Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Both of these games inspired him to become an indie RPG developer. "The problem with retro RPG's like Final Fantasy is that the gameplay is too linear", Edgar
stated once in an interview with his lecturer. "I want to make old fashioned RPG's because I know diehard fans like me would want to go back to those days, just with a little twist from the future, that is non-linear,freedom of choice story progression". With this in mind, an upcoming project codenamed 'Project Extaléa' is set to be released on steam. The game will picture Edgar's ideology of a better retro gaming experience with the aid of modern day gaming mechanics.
* @Ed_Kadaj (Chief/Project Management, Director, Graphic Designer)
* @ Thestevenooi (Composer, Sound Manager, Editor)
* @ somebodysluck (Mapping; Parallax, Ingame Visual Manager)
* @ CuChulaiN (Event Specialist; Gameplay Mechanics)
Current Projects
* Extaléa : The First
Planned Projects
* Extaléa Trilogy
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