Jiggly Ball

Jiggly Ball is a simple game which requires only a tennis ball. The game is reported to being played throughout schools in Buckinghamshire and has even be spotted to as far as America.
The Rules
Jiggly Ball can be played with a minimum of two people however ten or more players are recommend for maximum enjoyment. The aim is to keep the ball in the air using any body part but with an allowance of a single bounce. The ball will work it ways around the group with the target of a single player either double touching the ball or missing it all together. If any rule is breached by any single player they are out, resulting in them leaving the circle.
However the one rule overcasts all other rules, The Majority or Shahheeeeeeem Decides
Jiggly Ball is a gentlemen's sport therefore players should follow certain etiquette. Such as clapping when a player is out. If a player does not adhere to the etiquette a three match may be imposed on the player.
Founding Fathers
Ollie Marshall
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