
Frogball is a recreational game created at by former Physical Education instructor John Cullen. It is played by two teams with a volleyball on a tennis court. The object of the game is to hit the ball to your opponents side of the court so that they are not able to hit the ball back. Plays are won when opponents are unable to return the ball. Points are only scored when the serving team wins the play.
How To Play
* Frogball is ideally played with 10-12 players on the court, thus having two teams of five or six.
* Matches are played first to 15, win by two.
* The ball may be hit by any part of the body, including feet.
* Rules state that that the ball may bounce only once on a side while players are able to hit the ball a maximum of three times.
* One exception to the rules is that the ball may bounce twice on a side during a serve if the ball is allowed to bounce before being hit by a player.
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