Jeton Aziri

Jeton Aziri (born September 16, 1981 in Zarbince, Serbia, Yugoslavia) is an Albanian-American activist and singer.
On March 1999, Aziri fled unrest in Kosovo and walked into neighbouring Republic of Macedonia. In Macedonia, he finished his High School Junior Year and on August 1999, from Camp Stankovec II, he migrated to the United States. In the United States, Aziri graduated:
* in 2002 with A.S. (Pre-Med) degree from Gordon College
* 2004 graduated with BSc (Social Services - Neuro-Psychology) from Mercer University
* 2005-2006 completed Specialization in Political Analysis (Political Science) from American Military University
* 2006 graduated with MBA (Specialization: International Business) from Keller Graduate School of Management
* 2007 graduated with MPA (Specialization: USA Government) from Keller Graduate School of Management.
Aziri is co-founder of the first Albanian-American Association of its kind in South-East America, called "Albanian-American Association - Bashkimi". During 2004-2005, he was the Secretary/Chairman of "Bashkimi". Early 2006, Aziri was offered the post of President for the "Bashkimi", however, it was rejected due to his study obligations.
Aziri has been long devoted to ease the pain for those less fortunate of Kosovo and America as well. His volunteer contribution begun as Coordinator of the organization called "Save the Children", Macedonia 1998-1999. Later in 2002-2003, Atlanta, GA, he was Director for the Program called "Children of Kosovo". In 2004, he contributed to the Organization called "Hospis", later that year for the Church known as "'".
During 2001-2009, Jeton Aziri has organized and hosted more than 104 concerts across the United States, 95% of the concerts being non-profit, charitable and promoting culture awareness, value sharing, etc.
During 2007-2009, Aziri lead a Non-profit organization called "Albanian-American Consulting Group". Its mission statement is:
September 2008, Aziri founded the organization called "American-Balkanian Prosperous Group"
February 2009, Aziri in accordance with ABPG hosts the seminar called "Ballkans Vision" with the presence of Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Czech Repuclic, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania.
July-August 2009, Aziri presented various speeches in regards to "Multiculturalism and Value Sharing" during his so-called "Ballkan 5" vizit. (Belgrade, Skopje, Tirana, Zagreb, Sarajevo)
August 2009, Aziri met with the President of Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu.
Jeton Aziri resides in Atlanta with his wife Bona. She met Aziri during his Balkans’ visit while presenting various speeches on multiculturalism. She had emigrated to the United States of America during 2010 and contributes greatly to his organization.
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