Islam and Sufism

Islam is a monotheistic religion that believes in oneness of Allah and accepting Muhammad as the last messenger.

Faith in Islam
Faith is believing in:
# One true Allah
# In the existence of spiritual beings which Allah sent down for revelation of his messages (Angels)
# Celestial revelations, testaments of God including the Psalms sent down upon David, The Torah revealed to Moses, New Testaments to Jesus and Quran the book of guidance sent down upon Muhammad
# All the messengers sent by Allah for the betterment of Humankind
# Day of Judgement when accountability will be commenced
# Divine decree called destiny
Purification of heart by relinquishing bad attributes and manners is Sufism. It is a mystical way of approaching Islam in which the Muslims seek to find truth through direct divine connection with the Lord of the Universe.
Islamic mystics are called sufies and the way of life they opt is Sufism.
Sufism and Islam:
Sufism is:
# Seeking the pleasure of Allah
# Harmony with all, and peace with one’s self
# To be a true representation of Prophets and saints by dressing like them
Islam and other religions:
# All religions are a way to connect the worshipers with Allah
# All regions are for the Exalted Allah, which are distorted with the passage of time indicating the oblivion most nature of human beings.
# Islam comprises the essence of all religion, which is encoded in its faith.
How to reach spiritual level in Sufism:
The main method in which one can attain the level of Sufism is
# Believing in that every implicit and explicit power belongs to Allah
# Guidance from an authorized and divine Shaykh or guide
# Doing Dhikar i.e. frequent remembrance of Allah to reinvigorate the connection in order to attain the highest level of spiritualism
# Attending the congregation held by sufies by sitting together and praying together
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