Jean Zeidan

Jean Zeidan was born in Jdeideh el metn, Beirut, Lebanon on 15 August 1935. After completing engineering studies at the American University of Beirut ( AUB ), he graduated in civil engineering.
Jean Zeidan was elected in 1966 as the president of the municipality (Mayor) of Jdeideh el Metn, Bouchrieh, Sedd. He held this post until 1997, year where he quit the municipality leaving his political career behind him.
During his career, Jean Zeidan worked next to prominent Lebanese political figures like President Camille Chamoun, Pierre Gemayel, Bachir Gemayel (they founded together the Gamma group, a group whose purpose was to rebuild Lebanon during Bachir Gemayel's mandate), Amine Gemayel, General Michel Aoun and others.
Mr. Zeidan is recognized in Jdeideh as the municipality president who put the city back on its feet during and after the civil war of 1975-1990
The current President of the municipality of Jdeideh el Metn, Bouchrieh, Sedd, is Mr.Antoine Jebara.
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