Jayson Asher


Jayson Asher was born Aug 17, 1972 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was born as the first of three children to Bryan Asher, and the former Betty Jane Robison.

Jayson was raised in Tulsa attending Patrick Henry Elementary, Edison Middle School and then to Edison High School.

Early Years of CIA Service

Upon Graduating High School, Jayson joined the United States Army Reserves and was attached to the 12th Special Forces Group as an Intelligence Analyst. This is where his prolific military career and government work started. Upon graduation of Intelligence School he was noticed as a high achiever by the Acting Base Commander Gen. Marcus Fouts. Gen. Fouts encouraged him to pursue a career in the CIA and made a personal recommendation to the acting CIA chief to expedite his acceptance in the counter-intel division. Jayson entered into the CIA in October 1993 and at age 22 was at that time the youngest CIA operative in United States history. Jayson preformed many Top Secret missions over Europe, Africa, and the Far East. He is known as one of the most brilliant operatives in the CIA, he can learn a language in weeks without accent, can blend into the culture of the mission's enviroment better than any in the CIA, and has superb hand to hand combat skill.

Corbin Mission Failure

Jayson had the highest success rate in the CIA, and was considered by Pres. Clinton as the best operative in the United States. Jayson's last mission (December of 1995?) as an employee of the CIA was called the Corbin Extraction. He was to extract Wilhelm Corbin of the Austrian Nuclear and Nano Technology Program who at the time wanted to defect through secret contact to the US. Jayson accepted this mission, and decided for the first time in his career not to take his entire team, but to only take his weapon expert. He felt that the mission was simple enough and risking the team was unnecessary. In retrospect, a major mistake. Upon arrival of the Vienna facility at night, he successfully broke into the building, confiscated mission papers, and had Corbin in his grasp (who is rumored not to know of the extraction) but a freak power surge in the building blinded Jayson, and Corbin had an apparent cardiac episode. Jayson preformed CPR, but delayed the mission long enough for the Austrian Military Police to arrive, and was immediately arrested. The weapons expert (who remains undercover) who accompanied Jayson on the mission escaped, and claims that if the entire team was involved "We would have succeded". This was seen as the first and only tactical error Jayson had committed while in operation. Corbin survived with brain damage and is now in a Vienna nursing home. Jayson was taken to the Austrian BVT headquarters where he was interogated for 27 straight hours, beaten, and tortured, but never gave up any information. He was transferred to another facility and in route was rescued by US Special Forces Units and immediately taken to a US Military Hospital in Germany.

This was the end of official CIA duties as his cover was blown and INTERPOL had his identity, fingerprints and blood samples. The US and Austria governments will neither confirm nor deny the events.

Current Whereabouts

In Aug. 1997 Jayson enrolled at Oxford University in the UK, but dropped out a short time later due to his frequent debates with Global Government professors, and interpretation of the Geneva Convention Standards.

In May of 1998 Jayson moved to Rio de Janeiro to study Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under the famed Gracie Family. He was considered a real challenger in the up and coming UFC, and after several professional fights had amassed a record of 8-0, all by 1st round knockouts. In the fall of 2000 he broke his training partners leg in a gruesome accident that left him disabled and unable to ever compete. He was so disturbed by the accident Jayson vowed "to never fight again."

In June of 2001 Jayson was hired as a script advisor the television show "Alias" and some of the missions were loosely based on his real life experiences.

As of Nov. 2006 his whereabouts are unknown. It is rumored that he is now a contract assassin for Double Diamond Industries, who is contracted with governments worldwide.
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