Jamia Baltistan Al- Islamia Shigar

Jamia Baltistan Al- Islamia Shigar (formerly: Mambaa ul Uloom; modern: Jamia Baltistan (University of Baltistan) is one of the oldest and leading Islamic Universities of Baltistan since 1962.
The school was named and founded by Syed Abdullah Akbar and bua Ali(late).
Jamia Baltistan offers both Islamic and modern education system.
Raees & DEAN:
Syed Fazal ur Rehman s/o Syed Abdullaah Akbar (abu abdus samad).
Abdul Qadir Abdul Haq.
Jamia Baltistan Al- Islamia Shigar boards approximately 100 boys between the ages of 12 and 25 (roughly 50 in each year for grade-7).
The school is headed by the Principal (Mudeer Alaa), appointed by the Majlis-e-Shura. It contains two blocks -- Baneen Section (male) and Banaat section (for girls) each headed by a head of department.
Students are admitted in class one (Ulaa Ibtidayia) at the age ranging from 11 to 12 years. The selection process has no encovered in test base or merit,,,,but only due talent.
There is an academic building where the students do their classes and study during prep time. Students live in three student hostels. Daily three times meals are served in the madrassah dining hall which has a capacity of 100 students. Usually students say their Magrib and Jumma prayers in the Jamia's mosque. All officials of Jamia live in the Jamia's premises. The principal has two-storyed house, while the vice principal, adjutant, medical officer, teachers all have one villa each to reside.
There is a grassy playground in the center of the Jamia. Students have an auditorium for cultural purposes, and a library; in addition, the students have language club and multimedia classes.
Notable alumni
ex-Students from Jamia Shigar usually study at universities in Madinah Munawwarah and other Arab universities on scholarships provided by the Saudi government.
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