Al-Markaz al-Islami Skardu Baltistan

Al Markaz-ul- Islami Skardu Baltistan is an Islamic version school, located on the outskirts of Skardu, Baltistan, Pakistan. It is one of two Islamic education institutes of Baltistan. The madrassa provides shelter and food to poor people and needy students of Baltistan.
The institution trains students to become future preachers of Wahabi missionary all over the Baltistan.
It is located in the satellite town of Skardu Baltistan.
* Principal - Mudeer Alaa (Dean) or a religious scholar from Baltistan.
* Teachers/Lecturer - certified for subjects.
Academic system
Students are enrolled in the 1st grade and continue their study for six years. Higher Secondary Certificate(HSC) examinations are administered under direct control of the Jamia Darul Uloom Ghawari Baltistan. Examination dates are announced in the academic calendar at the beginning of the academic year. A calendar year is usually divided into three terms. Every student takes part in the annual parade, physical training (PT), and cultural shows.
* Summer camps
* Language classes (Arabic)
* Library
* Residential hostels
* Students's mess
* Masjid
* Martial arts
* Cafeteria
* Career counseling
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