James Palm

James Palm (born 11 January 1971 in Limhamn, Sweden) is an IT-entrepreneur and founder/co-founder of dot-com companies such as Momail and InteraktionsBolaget during the early 2000s.
In the late 2000s his company Momail was ranked as one of Sweden's top five most promising IT-companies when Gartner selected them for "Cool Vendors in Mobile and Wireless" in 2008, and they won the Red Herring 100 Europe Award in 2008.
In 2000, at the age of 29, James finished his studies at Lund University in Sweden, where he majored in Computer Science, Software Engineering Management. After working as Interaction Designer and Software Developer at Scandvision Mediahouse, Framfab and Gravity e-Learning he started his first IT company InteraktionsBolaget in 2002 together with Adrian Bara, and Momail together with Roger Grönberg in 2005.
* [http://www.idg.se/2.1085/1.307986/billigare-mobilrakning-med-smart-komprimering/ "Billigare mobilräkning med smart komprimering" (Swedish)], 28 Apr 2010
* , 7 Apr 2008
* [http://www.sydsvenskan.se/ekonomi/momail-mobilmedvetandet-ar-helt-klart-battre-i-ost-an-i-vast/ "Mobilmedvetandet är helt klart bättre i öst än i väst" (Swedish)], 6 Nov 2008
* , 15 Apr 2008
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