James P. Reese

James "Jim" P. Reese is the founder, chairman and CEO of TigerSwan, a global risk management consultancy founded in 2008. Prior to founding TigerSwan, Reese served in the elite Delta Force military unit for 25 years. He was interviewed in 2013 by Dan Rather and he is a Fox News channel contributor.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, "Famed Delta officer Tom Greer described Reese this way: "Reese, a stand-out Ranger and Delta officer, quite possibly would have made Grant appear wanting when it came to working through chaos, calming nerves, and demanding the best out of subordinates.""
Reese retired from the military as a Lt. Colonel in 2007 after 25 years of service. He was a decorated combat leader in the Army's Delta Force, a special operations unit. When he retired, the Commander of the Coalition Forces of Iraq and Afghanistan, General David McKiernan, called Reese "one of the finest special operators in the modern military."
In 2007, after serving as both a non-commissioned officer and commissioned officer, Reese retired from the U.S. Army, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, known as the "Delta Force." During his time as a commander, Reese became a decorated combat leader.
During a cold-weather training mission in Colorado, Reese came up with the idea for TigerSwan. The company is a global risk management organization that conducts operations in over 50 countries. Its primary clients are government agencies, businesses, and individuals.
Dan Rather visited Reese in 2013 on Dan Rather Reports to learn about the roles Special Operations play in modern-day warfare. Reese trains law enforcement and military personnel at TigerSwan, in addition to running the company's security consultancy practice.
Reese became a Fox News contributor in June 2018. In his debut appearance, he appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss a proposed timeline for North Korea to meet U.S. demands, following President Donald Trump's meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. He said, “This isn’t just a U.S. timeline; this is a negotiated settlement for the Korean peninsula.” He criticized the two-and-a-half year timeline for coinciding with President Trump’s first term in office and re-election.
On May 16, 2017, The Washington Examiner published an opinion article titled "Why Jim Reese should be the next FBI director." The author wrote:<ref name=":3" /> He is not just any mentor. Reese has no qualms issuing challenge alongside praise. He tells you when he believes you're wrong. He believes that success requires a fidelity to introspection and durable outcomes. That characteristic of fidelity offers the first reason why Reese would be a great pick for the FBI. He is a leader who would not buckle under political pressure, nor yield to public expectation. He would use his office to advance the FBI's mission rather than his own persona.
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