142 MP Company US Army

History of the 142nd Military Police Company United States Army
Lineage and Honors of the 142nd MP Co WW II
(Page 1 of 3 Pages): The 142nd Military Police Escort Guard Company was Constituted and Activated on 30 December 1944 by the US Forces European Theater (USFET) Command in France. Personnel already in the theater of operation were further reassigned to fill and bring the 142nd MP Company up to full strength for duty. The 142nd MP Company was assigned the Mission of securing and transporting Prisoners of War (POW's) within the area of operation. The unit was relocated to Germany at the end of 1944 and was eventually Awarded Credit for Participation in the " Rhineland and Central Europe Campaigns". In addition, the unit was Awarded the Meritorious Unit Commendation with a streamer embroidered "European Theater". Towards the end of the war, the 142nd MP Company had been assigned to the 1st Military Railway Service (MRS) and was stationed at Esslingen, Germany awaiting redeployment. The Company remained in Germany until the end of the war and by March of 1946 was alerted and redeployed back to the United States. On 7 April 1946 the 142nd MP Company was inactivated at Camp Kilmer, New Brunswick, New Jersey. On 13 August 1946, while the Company was still inactive, the number 142nd was allotted to the Regular Army in preparation for reactivation. Then, on 20 December 1946, the 142nd MP Company was activated in the Philippine Islands as a Philippine Scout (PS) unit. Little is known about the 142nd MP Company's mission there, but it is believed that the unit participated in actions to settle (disarm) what was known as the Hukbalahap Rebellion, also called Huk Rebelliuon (1946-54), Communist-led peasant uprising in central Luzon, Philippines. (Source of information is from research of the retired MP Unit files at Carlisle Barracks and open source information by R. L. (Bob) Gunnarsson. Any additional history from former members is welcome.
Philippines WW II and Korean War 142nd MP Co
(Page 2 of 3 Pages):The name of the movement is a Tagalog acronym for Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon, which means "People's Anti-Japanese Army." The 142nd Military Police Escort Guard Company (PS) served in the Philippines until it was inactivated there on 1 June 1949. The 142nd Military Police Company lineage and history dates to unit activation during both WW I in the Philippine Islands, WW II in France and Germany, and the Korean War. On 1 November 1951, during the Korean War, the 142nd MP Company was activated in Korea and was consolidated with the 2nd Provisional Military Police Company, a unit that had been active on the peninsula since November of 1950. The "consolidated unit " was designated as the 142nd MP Escort Guard Company and its mission was transporting and guarding Prisoners of War (POW's). On 25 January 1953, the unit was re-designated as the 142nd Military Police Company. The 142nd Military Police Company was credited with Participation in eight (8) Korean Campaigns and was Awarded both the Meritorious Unit Commendation and the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation. The 142nd MP Company was inactivated in Korea on 20 December 1954. (Source of information from the retired TAG files, Carlisle Bks and Open Source Literature). "Of The Troops And For The Troops"
Duty in Germany - History of the 142nd MP Co
(Page 3 of 3 Pages): During June 1956, the 142nd MP Company (Service) was assigned to the U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR), Germany and reactivated on the 15 June 1956 with headquarters & Detachment "A" located at Dolan Barracks in Schwaebich Hall, Detachment "B" in Heilbronn and Detachment "C" was located at McKee Barracks in Crailsheim and assigned a law enforcement mission. During June of 1957 the 142nd MP Co was transferred to The Southern Area Command (SACOM) and relocated to Garmisch with the headquarters and a platoon located at Sheridan Kaserne in Garmisch. The 142nd MP Co had Detachments in Murnau, Fussen (this detachment was open about one year and the post was returned to the German Army) and Hawkins Barracks, Oberammergau (was home of The Intelligence, Military Police & Special Weapons School, Europe). The 142nd MP Company conducted a Law Enforcement Mission from 1957 until it was deactivated in Germany on 1 July 1964. On 26 December 1964 the 142nd MP Company was re-activated in Korea and remains active there today. The 142nd MP Company was originally stationed at the Hileah Compound, however, during the 1970?s the unit moved to Yongsan, a suburb of Seoul. The 142nd MP Company is currently assigned to Yongsan, as part of the 94th MP Battalion and assigned the mission of security for both post and movement of military assets, U.S. Installations and Forces in Area II that support the CINC USFK and CG EUSA. The unit also practices POW training throughout the year. The 142nd was awarded the Army Superior Unit award for outstanding performance during the period of April 16th 1991 to May 1st 1997. (Source of information is from the retired MP historical files, TAG, Carlisle Barracks, Pa and researched by R.L. (Bob) Gunnarsson and open literature and information provided from former members by Richard Burch, for this webpage). "Of The Troops and For The Troops" Posted by Richard Burch
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