Jal Culluh

Jal Culluh is a fictional extraterrestrial villain who appeared in the first two seasons of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. He is First Maje, or leader, of the Kazon-Nistrim, one of the various warring sects of the Kazon race, who inhabit the farthest region of the Delta Quadrant, on the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy. Played by Anthony De Longis, Culluh first appeared in the episode "State of Flux", which premiered on April 10, 1995. Despite the technological inferiority of his sect to the USS Voyager, he proved to be a considerable threat to that ship following his first appearance, as a result of his alliance with Seska, a Maquis member of Voyager's crew who defected to Culluh once she was revealed to be a Cardassian spy, and who became his lover and the mother of his son. Culluh's final appearance on the series was in the 1996 third season premiere, Basics part II; in that episode, Seska is killed, and Culluh takes custody of their child.
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