Haakonian Order

In the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager, the Haakonians are a race of aliens indigenous to the Delta Quadrant. Their government is called the Haakonian Order.

Fictional history
After a decade-long war, they invaded and occupied the Talaxian homeworld in 2356; wars between the two races continue to rage. The Haakonians developed devastating weapons for use against Talax, including the metreon cascade, which the Order used to obliterate an entire moon in the Talaxian system. After this, Talax unconditionally surrendered to the Order, and apparently remained occupied thereafter.

Influence from Dune
The name "Haakonian Order" is a nod to House Harkonnen from the hugely successful sci-fi novel series Dune, created by Frank Herbert. Both organisations are noted for being cruel and imperialistic with little regard for those they subjugate, with the Haakonians bassed closely on the behaviour of the Harkonnen soldiers of the Dune series.
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