Jaime Bedoya Martínez

Jaime Bedoya Martínez (September 6, 1931 - June 30, 2008) was a lifelong writer as well as a rural educator for more than 20 years. His writing career began with regional newspapers and magazines in Colombia -notably the influential La Patria de Manizales. His clear and direct writing style resulted from his extensive experience in writing for periodicals, but his themes derived from a life dedicated to serving rural and agricultural government entities; and the rich array of people which he met and befriended. The writer was strongly influenced by a robust literary art scene known world-wide because of authors like Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez among many; as well as a societal culture influenced by African, European, native indigenous and American peoples.
Early Life
Bedoya was born in in Manizales, Colombia, where he completed his studies, started a career and raised a family until he immigrated to the city of Chicago where he continued writing and publishing until his death.
Government Positions
In Colombia, Bedoya worked for Tejidos de Occidente SA and as an Accounting Assistant for the Municipality of Manizales, Secretary of Statistics, Rural Outreach and Sociology Assistant in Cenicafé (Federacafé), Director of Rural Agricultural Concentrations in Manzanares, Caldas and Consaca Nariño, of the Federation National Coffee Growers of Colombia; Instructor at SENA of minor species such as: poultry, cattle, pork, beekeeping and rabbit breeding as well as management of coffee and banana plantations.
Publishing Career
In addition to a prolific output of books, the writer published articles in international literary magazines, newspapers and regional magazines around Manizales, including CARETAS, El Tiempo, , El Occidente de Cali, El Pueblo, La Raza, El Colombiano, Nuevo Siglo and additional Hispanic newspapers and magazines of the city of Chicago.
* El pijao rebelde (1978)
* [https://www.amazon.com/El-Ni%C3%B1o-Visionario-Ilustrado-Spanish/dp/1980508461 El niño visionario (1979)]
* [https://www.amazon.com/Padre-Spanish-Jaime-Bedoya-Mart%C3%ADnez/dp/1939372224/refsr_1_1?sbooks&ieUTF8&qid1544071942&sr1-1&keywordsel+padre+bedoya El padre (1982)]
* E[https://www.amazon.com/El-hombre-sublime-espejo-Spanish-ebook/dp/B077T1ZC3Y/refsr_1_1?ieUTF8&qid1544072077&sr8-1&keywords=El+hombre+sublime El hombre sublime (1987)]
* [https://www.amazon.com/El-sabio-%C3%A1ngel-espejos-Spanish-ebook/dp/B078K2DGX5/refsr_1_3?sbooks&ieUTF8&qid1544072140&sr1-3&keywordsEl+sabio+bedoya El sabio (1988)]
* Mis amigos y complices (1991)
* [https://www.amazon.com/Gotas-Sabidur%C3%ADa-Spanish-Bedoya-Mart%C3%ADnez/dp/1939372232/refsr_1_1?sbooks&ieUTF8&qid1544072261&sr1-1&keywordsGotas+de+sabidur%C3%ADa+bedoya Gotas de sabiduría (1992])
* El inframundo y el infrahombre (1993)
* [https://www.amazon.com/Brindis-bohemios-poes%C3%ADa-amorosa-hispanoamericana-ebook/dp/B077GGW91Z/refsr_1_fkmr0_1?ieUTF8&qid1544128119&sr8-1-fkmr0&keywords=Brindis+de+los+bohemios+y+poes%C3%ADa+amorosa+%281993%29 Brindis de los bohemios y poesía amorosa (1993)]
* Carta a un hijo (1995)
* El joven y el sabio (1999) [https://www.amazon.com/Brindis-bohemios-poes%C3%ADa-amorosa-hispanoamericana-ebook/dp/B077GGW91Z/refsr_1_fkmr0_1?ieUTF8&qid1544128119&sr8-1-fkmr0&keywords=Brindis+de+los+bohemios+y+poes%C3%ADa+amorosa+%281993%29 Brindis de los bohemios y poesía amorosa (1993)]
* [https://www.amazon.com/esp%C3%ADritu-del-p%C3%A1jaro-pr%C3%ADncipe-rey-ebook/dp/B078SKT51D/refsr_1_fkmr0_1?ieUTF8&qid1544128150&sr8-1-fkmr0&keywords=El+espiritu+del+p%C3%A1jaro+y+el+pr%C3%ADncipe+rey+%281999%29 El espiritu del pájaro y el príncipe rey (1999)]
* [https://www.amazon.com/Aprendamos-j%C3%B3venes-hasta-all%C3%A1-a%C3%B1os-ebook/dp/B00GU1JJLE/refsr_1_1?ieUTF8&qid1544128186&sr8-1&keywords=Aprendamos+a+ser+j%C3%B3venes+hasta+los+120+a%C3%B1os Aprendamos a ser jóvenes hasta los 120 años] (2000)
* [https://www.amazon.com/Carta-joven-desempleado-quien-poderoso-ebook/dp/B0789WPVF6/refsr_1_1?ieUTF8&qid1544128223&sr8-1&keywords=Carta+a+un+j%C3%B3ven+desempleado+y+para+quien+desee+ser+muy+rico+y+poderoso Carta a un jóven desempleado y para quien desee ser muy rico y poderoso]... (2000)
* Las Sacerdotisas de Rafael Pombo y Poesias de Agripina Montes del Valle (2000)
* A reir a gozar y aprender con los intelectuales colombianos (2000)
* [https://www.amazon.com/Bit%C3%A1cora-del-pensamiento-secretos-entendimiento-ebook/dp/B077JHNHDK/refsr_1_1?ieUTF8&qid1544128393&sr8-1&keywords=Bit%C3%A1cora+del+Pensamiento Bitácora del Pensamiento] (2002)
* Mi manifiesto social (2002)
* Revolución desde arriba.. o catástrofe (2002)
* Poemas vivos en azul (2002)
* Máximas del sabio de Manizales- (2007)
* La juglarcita amerindia (2014)
* Las trece colonias (2017)
* Perlas que seducen a los sabios (2017)
* Arde américa (2017)
* Consejos de oro para los hijos (2017)
* Despertando a la sabiduría (2017)
* Soñando con el amor (2017)
* Zoratama (2017)
* Manantíal de sabiduría Tomo I (2017)
* Manantíal de sabiduría Tomo II (2017)
* El dolor nos hace sabios (2017)
* El hombre espiritual (2017)
* Cuentos de la tercera edad y de la sabiduría hindú (2017)
* Como vivir, amar... y ser feliz sin hacerse viejo (2017)
* La república Ideal (2017)
* El filósofo (2017)
* Ochenta lecciones del sabio de Manizales (2017)
* Más de un siglo de poesía del gran caldas Tomo I, II, III y IV (2017)
* La gran verdad de la vida (2018)
* Pequeños gigantes del paraíso (2017)
* Los 22 pecados capitales (2017)
* El niño del rifle y la hada salvadora (2018)
* El niño, el cóndor, el mono y la tortuga (2018)
* El niño del corazón de oro (2018)
* El niño que conquistó una estrella (2018)
* Carta a un ciudadano apolítico y a los pueblos sedientos de democracia (2018)
* Somos pobres por dormidos... y seremos ricos cuando despertemos... (2018)
English Titles
* Zoratama (The indian princess) (2017)
* The Boy, the Condor, the Monkey and the Tortoise (2017)
* The Spirit of the Bird and the Royal Prince (2018)
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