Nurali Aliyev

Nurali Aliyev (born January 1, 1985) is a Kazakh entrepreneur and investor, and ex-Deputy Mayor of Astana. He is the grandson of the president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Born in Alma-Ata, he holds Executive Master of Business Administration from Imadec in Vienna, Austria. Attended McCOMBS School of Business, University of Texas, USA (Marketing Strategy Course). Graduate of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abay of the Faculty of Economics. He studied at Pepperdine University (USA) and the International University Vienna.
Business Interests
Diversified Asset Holding Company, it owns 25 different companies, in different segments. Including mining exploration: gold, silver, zinc, commodity trading, telecom companies, production of beverages, commercial real-estate, hospitality, media.
"KAZTECH HOLDING JSC"- Founder and shareholder
Diversified Tech Holding - provides IT services to the corporate sector through its 12 subsidiary companies.
Married, 4 children
Panama Papers
In April 2016, Aliyev was implicated in the Panama Papers. He was confirmed as a listed PEP in October 2014 in an email to Mossack Fonseca.
Quartz reported that Aliyev is one of the owners of 221B Baker Street properties, the properties mentioned in the Sherlock Holmes novels a total value of $130M, through a series of shell companies.
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