The Rev. Jacques Hadler Jr. joined Virginia Theological Seminary in 1993. He is currently the Director of Field Education, and teaches in the Departments of Practical Theology and Global Christianity. Additionally he teaches family systems theory in the Doctor of Ministry program, offers a seminar for clergy on Congregational Leadership, and leads Cross-cultural Internships to Tanzania. Fr. Hadler completed his MDiv at the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, MA. Previously he earned his B.A in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a long time participant in the Post Graduate Seminar in Family Emotional Process founded by Dr. Edwin Friedman. Before joining the faculty at VTS, Fr. Hadler served on the faculty of St. Philip’s Theological College, Kongwa, Tanzania, as a lecturer in Church History. He has also served the Episcopal Church as rector, priest-in-charge or assistant at parishes in Waldorf, Hyattsville, and Laurel—all in Maryland—as well as Trinity in Manassas, VA, and All Souls in DC. He is a priest in good standing in the Diocese of Washington, DC, and serves on its Committee on Racial Reconciliation. Fr. Hadler is married with two grown children. He enjoys just being in God’s wonderful creation, especially doing genealogical research and participating in the formation of ordained ministers along all stages of the journey. In Print * Two-Way Bridge: The Cross-cultural Colloquy at Virginia Seminary Teaching Theology & Religion, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2001. * Genogram of a Congregation", Proceedings of the 24th Biennial Consultation of the Association of Theological Field Educators, 1997. See Also * Virginia Theological Seminary * People associated with VTS Links * *VTS Web site