Iz Sotelo Ramirez

is a Hispanic/Native American (Yaqui/Yoeme) Author of the childrens book "Bob the Lizard" which comes from Storytelling he shares with his children. He was born in Lubbock Texas and is also known for his Custom Native Beadworking which he learned among the Kiowa and Comanche people in Oklahoma. His Indian Ancestry comes from the northern Sonoran Desert Villages of Baviacora Aconchi and Hermisillo. During the Indian Wars of the late 1800's a Band of Yaqui Indians fought Mexican Soldiers out of Sonora across the Sierra Mountains of Chihuahua also fighting Apache Indians and found their way into Texas from the border town of Presidio Texas from Ojinaga,. These band of Yaqui's hid their identities by name changes and Census Mis-informations to avoid encampments and persecution, Mr. Ramirez family changed their names from Covajori to Domingues then Urquidez. Finally settling in the Texas town of Lubbock his family are the only known documented "Texas Yaquis". Mr. Ramirez is also a retired 5th dan Master Instructor in TaeKwonDo and HapKiDo and now in his spare time raises his 3 sons and travels and competes in Powwow competitions throughout Texas Oklahoma and New Mexico.
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