Itsy Productions

Itsy Productions was formed on July 15th 2008 by James Robert Kain Waller. In the beginning it was no more than a name that Mr. Waller used to copyright images he made for other players on game. Since then, Itsy Productions has been copyrighted or as he says, " (I) Itsyrighted." Itsy Productions at this time is run by Both James, and His cousin and life time friend Timothy Williams. Both of which are now working on a game designed by James. Itsy Produtions, now has a game up and running, a Banking account for which game donations are sent to, under the business name of Itsy Productions. As well as a side company called Bya Inc. Run by Timothy Williams. Both of which are held in high regards by many people are hoped to become huge power companies on the world wide Web.
Itsy Produtions has been involved with 3 games so far online.
Future Arena(C)
Rising Era(C)
All three of these games are Text Based Massive Online Role Playing Games. Future Arena was the first the founder was part of, obtaining an Moderator postion and taking care of the Message boards within the game. James was the 3rd person to sign up for that game when it started. Sadly it was hacked and SQL injections were dropped and the owner disapeared from James' circle. 8 months later James signed up on Rising Era and quickly rose to the position of Manager and Co-owner. He ran the day to day affairs of the game and made sure all was in check, This is where Itsy Productions really took off. Making images and profile pictures for people, the company logo was quickly spread around. And Now finally James, and the rest of the staff on Itsy Produtions, which include his Mom, cousin Timothy, his Sister Ramona, and other long time trusted gamers have joined together to make their first game owned excusivly by Itsy Productions, Saga-Frontier.
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