Adam Powell

Adam James Powell (born December 20 1976 in Newport, Wales) is a game programmer, businessman and the co-founder of Neopets.

In 1997, Powell started Shout! Advertising, a UK-based advertising company which operated the third largest click-through program on the Internet by mid-1999. He also co-founded Netmagic, a successful business which designed and sold online banner advertising. Then in July 1999, he founded Powlex, which focused on web page design.

Powell first had the idea of Neopets in 1997, while studying at Nottingham University.
He and his girlfriend Donna Williams started programming the site in September 1999, and launched the site two months later on November 15, 1999.

Powell programmed the entire site, created most of the original activities and games, and acted as head programmer and creative lead. Under Powell's management, Neopets went from nothing to over 140 million accounts and 5 billion pageviews per month.
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