Irandam Kadhal

Irandam Kadhal () is a short film produced and directed by Sriram Subramaniam , a Tamil Director. It won FeTNA 2014 short film contest winner . It won GATS 2014 Naalaya Iyakunar best film winner and GATS 2014 voted as most popular short film winner. This short film was released on June 30,2014 on Youtube and Facebook By Sriram. It got more than 2,000 views.
* Swagath as Siddharth
* Srivarshika as Varsha
* Karthikeyan as Karthik
Irandam Kadal is a short film following the journey of two couples swagath and Srivarshika who meet each other at Tamil Matrimony. The two Couples fall in love with each other, get married in India, and comes to U.S. to settle. Certain Obstacles force them to separate and go their own ways. Will the two couples get back together forms the climax.
*FeTNA 2014 short film contest winner
*GATS 2014 Naalaya Iyakkunar best film winner
*GATS 2014 voted as most popular short film winner
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