Interior Design Resource Agency

Interior Design Resource Agency or IDRA the Agency is an American business resource library and operations and management consulting firm based in Washington, D.C., for the interior architecture and interior design profession. It was founded in 2008, and focuses on marketing, advertising, public relations, fees and finances, growth and expansion, portfolio development, process improvement, and manpower. IDRA the Agency is based in the United States with clients in 60 countries.
IDRA was founded in 2008 by American businesswoman Venesulia Carr. After two years of beta testing, the organization officially launched in October 2010. It was the first organization of its kind, serving as a database for business resources and defining standard operating procedures for the design industry.
In 2011, the company announced IDRA Expert, a designation for subject-matter experts in respective disciplines. In 2012, the organization announced the launch the IDRA Diplomatic Corps, and IDRA Ambassadors, a group of brand ambassadors based who hosted and attended events on behalf of the organization.
IDRA the Agency hosts seminars, conferences, and offers educational programs, research and consulting.
In February 2012, IDRA the Agency founder Venesulia Carr was invited to The Pentagon to witness First Lady of the United States of America Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden alongside Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army General Martin E. Dempsey and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Neil Wolin, announce the reciprocal licensing initiative, a new report focusing on ways to streamline licensing regulations across state lines for professionals requiring licensing.
In 2013 IDRA expert Lloyd Princeton was featured on the Style Network in the show Matched by Design.
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