Innovative Users Group

The Innovative Users Group, often abbreviated as "IUG", is an independent organization of libraries who use integrated library system software. According to its bylaws, the IUG's purpose is to:
# serve as a forum to influence the development and improvement of Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (hereafter III) products for the benefit of IUG members;
# foster and improve relationships and communication among members, and between members and III; and
# gather and disseminate information on the use of III products among the users of the systems.
Activities and services
Annual conference
The IUG hosts a three-day conference (plus a one-day pre-conference) every spring. Approximately two-thirds to three-quarters of the sessions are presented by speakers from IUG member institutions, with the remainder being held by presenters from Innovative Interfaces. The sessions vary in nature and scope, from structured "how-to" sessions to open forums at which members share ideas and information about whatever is on their minds.
The conference moves around from year to year, alternating between sites in the San Francisco Bay Area and other locations throughout the United States. Past locations have included Boston, Chicago, Houston, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia.
Due to the diverse natures of the libraries using Innovative's software, and the rapid development of other computing technologies, there is an ongoing flow of requests for enhancements and upgrades to the various pieces of software Innovative sells. In order to keep this flow of requests manageable, the IUG has set up a process for submitting, evaluating and prioritizing desired enhancements, then submitting these requests to Innovative. In turn, Innovative makes a point of trying to incorporate enhancements from the IUG in their release upgrades.
The IUG maintains a very active listserv along with a searchable list archive.
The IUG Clearinghouse is a repository for member-written documentation and examples of specific implementations and solutions to issues or problems.
Regional groups
In addition to the main Innovative Users Group, there are numerous independent regional and special interest groups. Some of these groups include:
* The Middle East/North Africa IUG
* IUG South Africa
* The Australasian IUG
* Hong Kong IUG
* European IUG
* Irish IUG
* Eastern Canada IUG
* III Ottawa/Montreal Users Group
* Western Canada IUG
* Numerous regional groups in the United States
* Innovative Law Users Group
* New England Innovative Law Users Group
* INNOPAC Music Users Group
* Innovative Interfaces Public Library Users Group (Metropolitan New York Area)
* INN-Reach Users Group
* INNOPAC-Datatel Users Group
The IUG is run by the member-elected Steering Committee, which consists of the Chair, Vice Chair/Chair Elect, Past Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and five Members at Large. There is also an ad hoc position for a Financial Consultant.
Steering Committee Duties
* The Chair is the head of the IUG, and responsible for overseeing the ongoing activities for the IUG. The Chair also serves as the IUG's primary point of contact with Innovative.
* The Vice Chair/Chair Elect assists the Chair in managing the IUG. Traditionally, the Vice Chair is also the Chair of the Program Committee for the annual conference.
* The Secretary/Treasurer keeps minutes from meetings and helps manage finances with the Financial Consultant.
* Members-at-large are responsible for overseeing the Enhancements process, managing the Clearinghouse and working with the regional and special interest groups.
The Steering Committee is elected by the IUG membership, with each member institution getting one vote for each open position. The secretary/treasurer and the members-at-large serve two-year terms. The Vice Chair/Chair-Elect is chosen annually, serving one year each as Vice Chair, Chair and Past Chair.
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