Innovative Bioresearch Ltd

Innovative Bioresearch Ltd is a pharma company that is integrating blockchain technology in biomedical research, founded by Italian entrepreneur and research scientist Jonathan Fior. As such, they perform vaccine research, with a focus for HIV and cancer, as well as developing real world use applications for blockchain technology in science with products such as a decentralized cryptocurrency and DApps (decentralized applications).
Biomedical research
HIV cure research
One of the main developments of the company's work in the HIV research field is the development of "SupT1 cell infusion therapy",, and this phenomenon is explained as the virus untimate goal is not to kill the host but rather establishing a pacific coexistence that will allow both the host and virus survival, as it happens in natural non-human primate hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus. Such a pacific coexistence is not possible with human cells, given that they are not very permissive to the HIV virus and this introduces viral evolution pressure inducing the virus to become more aggressive, especially when subject to antiretroviral treatment with HIV drugs. Therefore, Jonathan Fior proposed to use SupT1 cells as a permissive subset of cells to restrict HIV replication in order to induce a similar scenario observed in natural SIV hosts where the HIV infection does not induce the development of the associated immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), proposing the injection of such cells as a cell based therapy. and tthen in vivo in a 2016 study using humanized mice. In order to ensure safe inoculation of SupT1 cells, such cells are irradiated prior to inoculation according to cancer vaccination protocols, which resulted in no toxicity scored in the mice treated with SupT1 cell infusion.
Cancer and regeneration research
The company released in 2014 a peer reviewed scientific paper in which they discuss salamander regeneration as a model for developing innovative therapies for cancer as well as regenerative medicine. a decentralized crypto token running on the etherum blockchain. INNBC is serving as a digital payment system to access all the products and services developed by Innovative Bioresearch Ltd, as well as supporting their development. As such, INNBC is a "DeSci" (decentralized science) token, decentralizing several aspects of biomedical research, from the funding of the research itself, to the sharing of the scientific data. their first DApp for science, providing a simple and straightforward interface to record biomedical data on chain using a smart contract deployed on the BNB smart chain blockchain initially due to the lower fees compared to the etherum blockchain. The company also produced a scientific paper on its real world use for recording on chain biomedical data, currently under review on the PlosONE scientific journal, introducing the scientific peer reviewed standard for the first time in a crypto project. The DApp allows to easily record data such as text, and also images, audio and video can be easily recorded on chain using Base64 encoding. The main use case for biomedical data is to generate a permanent and immutable record of scientific data taking advantage of specific blockchain features such as timestamp and immutability. In addition to record biomedical data, the DApp is also proposed as a decentralized storage solution for general purpose data. the company own decentralized exchange DApp, in order to allow users to swap the INNBC token in a trustless and permissionless environment, in which instead of having to trust a centralized platform to hold their funds, everything is managed by a decentralized smart contract. INNBC Swap Dex also integrates access to Uniswap V3 liquidity pools, allowing users to provide liquidity at specific price ranges.<ref name=":8" />
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